Who Are the Christmas Lighting ELves?
Are you too busy, or unable, to hang festive lights yourself?
Don't know whom to call? Need it done for a great price?
Well, we have great news! Starting "WAYYYYYYY BACK" with the 2014 Christmas and Holiday Season (before it became trendy!) HAMILTON HOUSE PAINTERS and RENO TEAM (www.hamiltonhousepainters.ca)
The original, the best.
We will be glad to help you with any seasonal lighting needs you may have; we invite you to give us a try.
To those who have used our services over the years since we started, THANK YOU! We really appreciate the business.

Here ARE Some samples of our work!

Here's Some samples of our work!

Here's Some samples of our work!

The services our elves offer includes the following:
Christmas light installation
Diwali light installation
Eid light installation
Special occasion light installation
Installation of seasonal decorations for BIA's, cities, & towns
Large outside Christmas Tree setup & decoration
Light installation for Christmas Trees
Seasonal lighting for businesses
Festival light installation
Seasonal & Christmas Lighting Sales
Exterior Christmas decorations
We proudly sell and install the very best available and highest quality, commercial grade LED lights that we can source. Our lights typically last longer than low quality "retail grade lights and strings," and are less maintenance, in the long run. Sure, they are a little more expensive to buy, but, the best quality always costs "a wee bit more!" Over multiple seasons, we are certain you will find that the cost of ownership is less overall when you factor in the replacement costs for bulbs and failed light strings, after the first year or two. Some of our commercial quality light strings have now been in service for several years, and counting! In addition to lasting longer, our lights tend to be brighter, and, are "faceted" (like a diamond) to add to their brilliance. The casings over the LED (the "bulb") are made from solid, high quality plastic, and are moulded in one solid colour throughout. The strings themselves normally contain higher gauge wiring, than retail / consumer grade lights, and a thicker UV resistant outer shielding on the wires. Even better, the high quality light sockets allow for the lights to be securely and easily individually screwed in, without the silly "retail lighting socket issues" with which we have all had to struggle.
For the larger light sizes, as noted, This allows us to "customize" the colour selection / rotation on the strings easily; just make sure we know in advance what you want, so we can make sure we have it in stock, and, ready for your installation. We do carry a limited supply of different colours and sizes in stock; Please ask us, or, check our estimate booking form for more details on light size and colour selection.
For your information, the way that our Globe, C7, C9, and our large LED "Festival / Edison" lights are connected and wired on the strings, makes it extremely easy to change out any burned our broken bulb; simply unscrew it, and, put in a new one! If any one bulb or multiple bulbs are burned out, you don't have to spend hours trying to figure out which wire, socket, light, or connector is causing the issue; any issue with a single bulb will only affect that one bulb. The whole string does not stop working! Of course, over time and exposure to the elements and wind, etc... even our extremely durable commercial strings and bulbs can get damaged or fail. But, if they the string itself becomes broken beyond repair, just unscrew and save the existing bulbs, call us, and, we will sell you just the lighting string with light sockets and connectors to save you money. Many of the retail / consumer grade lights do not allow for this, by virtue of how they are put together.
Best of all, for the larger light sizes typically used on a home, (Globe, C7 and C9, and Festival / Edison LED's), when we are installing them, we custom cut your light strings to the correct length, so you don't end up with dangling ends, or, the need to "double them back" over themselves to hide the excess length. Doesn't that look simply AWFUL? Or, worse yet, leave areas you want lit up, without coverage because the string was a bit short!
These are "Elf-designed custom installations" folks!!
Moreover, our Globe, C7 and C9 lights are all designed with "colour customization" for your property light display in mind! As long as we know in advance so we can bring the correct colours and sizes, we can install just about any combination of available colours, in any order you want, on any Globe, C7, or C9 string:
Red and Green... no problem. Blue and cool white... no problem. Yellow, blue, red and green... no problem. Warm white only... no problem. All of the above, plus orange and fuscia... no problem! just ask. See our available light sizes, styles, and, available colours on the PRODUCTS carousel, or, on the estimate request form.
That is fine too; everything is expensive nowadays, including lights. We understand. If you need to save a bit of money for presents, and, to buy our elves some cookies and milk when we visit, there is no problem! BYOL (bring your own lights!) Our elves are happy to install your lights for you.
If you are providing your own lights, just make sure they are all "checked over" thoroughly and are "ready to go" when we arrive. If there are bulbs out, or, whole strings, or portions of strings out, please take care of it before we arrive. We don't carry an inventory of spare lights or spare parts for the retail / consumer grade lighting products; there are simply too many of different kinds for us to do that. But, if you have the spares, we will gladly put them in for you (up to 10 lights), or, try to diagnose the issue with the light strings on a "best effort only basis," (up to 15 minutes of work). However, beyond this, aand if you need help, just ask; an additional fee will apply for the "elf labour time." They are quite strict about that! Also, just to note, we cannot warranty the labour or installation services on any lights which we do not supply. If they burn out 15 minutes after we leave, we will be delighted to come back and try to take care of the problem for you, however, an additional call-out charge will apply.
No. Any lights we provide to you are yours to keep. Some competitive (non-elf) services want to lease or rent the lights to you each season; our elves would NEVER allow that kind of "Scroogy" behaviour. Agaim the lights we provide / sell to you are yours to keep. When we come back to take them down for you, we will box them up, nice and neatly, so they will be ready for our elves to put back up for you the following year. For lights we have sold you, WE will check the lights the next time we put them up, and we will replace any burned out bulbs as we go (a small charge for the bulbs will apply). You can either store them yourself until next year, or, if you choose, we will take them with us, and store them in our heated warehouse until next season; the bringing them with us to do your next installation. NOTE: a small charge does apply for this service. But, our elves want YOU TO HAVE THE CHOICE. We don't think charging you again and again for the lights, or, FORCING you to pay for storage is in the "Spirit of the North Pole."
READY TO GET STARTED? Just click on our ESTIMATE REQUEST FORM, and, submit your request. In many cases, you will be able to get your estimate, right online! But if not, one of our "Customer Care Elves" will get back to you same day, or, next business day to get things rolling. The elves are very diligent about customer service.
They love talking to people, and, we try to keep them happy; if they get cranky, it costs us a FORTUNE in milk and gingerbread cookies!
How does the process work?
The process of the Christmas Lighting Elves is very easy and inexpensive, and is done in 3 easy steps as seen below... just click on the STEP bars to expand and show the details:
Simply email us. One of our "customer care elves" will get back to you as soon as possible. Or...
Use our ESTIMATE REQUEST FORM to provide us with more details, and maybe a photo of your property to assist is with getting your service arranged. Or,
If you are uncomfortable with using our online resources, simply give us a call at 289-799-0441 or 289-815-0945; we will take care of your needs with a "live elf" who is a member of our customer care team.
We are generally providing installation dates anytime between September 15th, and, December 15th – subject to weather, and volume. First come, first served.
At the time we finalize your order to install the lights, we will also inquire about an approximate date range in January to take down the lights (all appointments subject to weather conditions, and availability, of course).
If you have your lighting strings, etc... already, just provide the strings to us when our elves arrive on site; PLEASE TEST YOUR LIGHTS IN ADVANCE OF OUR VISIT to ensure they are all working, BEFORE we hang the lights. Light strings that don't work make our elves very sad.
As noted above, with the commercial-grade high quality lights we have sold to you, if a few lights are out on your light strings, we will replace them (just pay for the new bulbs). However, for "retail quality" lights you have provided yourself, it can be very difficult to track down why an individual bulb or string or section of a string is out. So, we ask you to check your own strings thoroughly, before we arrive. Sometimes the extremely high quality commercial grade LED lights that we sell and install will fit into retail-grade string sets (with E12 or E17 bases), and, if that is the case, we can sell you replacement bulbs. However, we generally do not carry "non-standard" or lower quality bulb types, particularly retail "socket type" bulbs. If you have replacement bulbs of your own to use, we will try to help (up to 10 bulbs) / 15 minutes in labour.
You are WELCOME to provide all light strings, bulbs and materials - if we need to purchase or provide any lights or other materials, such as mounting clips or replacement lights, we will charge you for the materials. We normally carry a supply of lights, strings, mounting clips and other accessories on our trucks.
When we provide the lights on the initial installation, all of the accessories and needed materials are provided.
NOTE: We do not provide timers or multi-outlet exterior-grade power bars. NOTE: If required, when you purchase lights from us, we will provide up to 30 linear feet of custom-fitted extension cords at no additional cost.
We install the lights in plenty of time for Christmas! (or Diwali, or Eid, or any other holiday which you observe). Our elves are very accepting!
After Christmas and/or Holiday Season, we will return to take down the lights for you… normally between January 4th and 31st. We will carefully package up your lights, so can store them away neatly.
Before this, we will ask if you would like us to store your lights for you over the summer months, until you are ready to use them again next year; a small charge of $50.00 applies.
This is an optional services. If you would like to use this service, after we package up the lights, we will transport them to our warehouse, and we will bring them back with us when we return next year to install your lights again; seamless!
Areas of service for the Christmas lighting elves
The Christmas Lighting Elves proudly service the following areas: Hamilton, Ancaster, Dundas, Stoney Creek, Waterdown, Winona, Binbrook, Mount Hope (Mt. Hope), Flamborough, West Flamborough, Green Mountain, Glanbrook, Hannon, Westdale, Jerseyville, Grimsby, Lincoln, West Lincoln, Morriston, Puslinch, Smithville, Calendonia, Hagersville, Jarvis, Port Dover, Tyneside, Caistorville, Canborough, Empire Corners, Cayuga, Jordan, Beamsville, Brant, Brantford, Oshweken, Paris, Cambridge, Harrisburg, Bruces, Branchton, Glen Morris, Burlington, Oakville, Milton and more...
ELF Contact Information
The Christmas Lighting Elves' office is located at 203 Main Street East Unit #103 in Hamilton, Ontario.
Our normal office hours are as follows:
Open from 9:00AM-5PM Monday to Friday
Open 10AM-2PM on Saturdays.
We are CLOSED on all Sundays along with all Civic & Statutory holidays.
Please note:
We like to make sure that our installation elves are well-rested, so, please take note of our office operating hours during the holiday season, by clicking on the link below:
If you would like to reach us by email, please use the button below:
You can give our office elves a call during office hours:
289-799-0441 (Hamilton)
(GTHA & other areas)
Sample Lighting REndering:

When you upload a photo of your home or office, unless you mark it up yourself using a "paint" application which is generally found on most computers, we will send you back an image, like the one above, showing a "mock up" of where we would propose the string lights to be installed, based upon your input from the online estimate form, or, what you tell us or send us by email or over the phone. We will also provide an estimate as to the length of the string lights needed, which will be the basis for the labour billing estimate, and, to calculate the price for any light strings you request us to provide for you (unless you are providing your own, which is fine!). This image will also be used by our installers to guide them when installing your lights.
Minimum charges for installation and removal packages*:
Starting at ONLY $399.99, plus HST, if YOU provide the lights and materials
Starting at ONLY $699.99*, plus HST, if WE provide the lights and materials - the lights are YOURS TO KEEP!
*Includes installation of up to 100 feet of string lights @ a height not to exceed 30’ from grade (or wherever the base of the ladder is set).
Each additional linear foot of string lights, after the first included 100 linear feet (per linear ft / if you provide lights): $3.00 plus HST
Each additional linear foot of string lights, after the first included 100 linear feet (per linear ft / if WE provide lights): $5.75 plus HST (includes installation labour and string lights with bulbs and mounting accessories).
Some conditions apply. Please refer to the information on the website, and, on our TERMS OF SERVICE and warranty page for more details.
For any installations on structures at points above 30 feet from grade, additional fees will apply.
For hanging lights in trees or shrubs, or for any other services, please inquire.
Fee for us to store your lights in our heated warehouse until next season*: add $50.00
(Maximum 12 months of storage. Some conditions apply).
All other services (by hourly rate): $90.00 plus materials.
*Fee for our elves to visit a retail store on your behalf to find and purchase any materials: add $90.00 per hour, or portion thereof, plus kilometer charges.
(Applies where the client is providing lights and materials, and where any needed components are not available on site at the time of service. The purchase price of any needed materials is extra. For stores within 10 km of your property / up to one hour. Additional time charged at $22.50 for each 15 minutes used, or portion thereof.)
Prices do not include HST - which is added to the invoice cost.
Prices are inclusive of lighting installations of up to 30' in height from grade. Extra charges will apply for higher elevations, or, where installations may be difficult owing to the construction of the premises, presence of shrubbery or trees close to the structure, or, as otherwise determined by the estimator or installer, or, if/where there are no easily accessible points to which to attach the lighting. Additional charges will apply if scaffolding or boom-lifts are required for safe installation.
For installations over 20 feet from grade, we will use our bucket lift truck for the installation. The bucket truck has a maximum reach of approximately 35 feet, straight up; to reach a 30 foot height, it must be directly adjacent to the structure. If it is more than a few feet away from the structure, then a articulating boom-lift will be required, at an additional fee. In some cases, we may be required to traverse lawns, etc... particularly to reach some trees. Please keep this in mind.